Welcome to the “Meet the CSTM Board” blog series! Each month a different position on the board will be spotlighted along with some insider information on the individual in the position. Each blog will follow a different path as each position and individual is unique. We hope you enjoy.
Author: Crystal Brunk, CSTM Director at Large (2022-2024)
As my bilingual counterpart I was uniquely motivated to connect with Marie-Hélène Robert, the current CSTM Director-at-large bilingual (2021-2025), and the experience did not let me down as her passion for learning and sharing knowledge is contagious and precisely what we all need in the transfusion medicine community.
The Director-at-Large (bilingual) Position
The bylaws state “the responsibilities of the Directors-at-Large shall be determined by the board”, I personally saw this as a free for all to do anything in the role, like write a series of blogs! Marie-Hélène sets the bar much higher, explaining that she was motivated to run for the position so that she could promote CSTM initiatives and resources with all members, and non-members, with the goal of supporting best transfusion practice across Canada, in both English and French. Having worked many years in many blood bank labs Marie-Hélène understands the importance of not only having access to transfusion practice resources outside your own lab but also to people that might have faced the same challenges as you, and that CSTM is a platform that can be used for that.
Digging in deeper I learned that like many members of the board Marie-Hélène was inspired by those who came before her and she wanted to continue the work being done by amazing people like Ann Wilson to ensure CSTM was accessible and inclusive to its French speaking members. That said Marie-Hélène did not just join the board, she immediately started working with the communications committee, lending her bilingual perspective there as well. Moving into her second term as director-at-large bilingual, Marie-Hélène is looking to further expand putting resources into the hands of all members by developing a welcome package for all new CSTM members. Current members will also be provided reminders when they renew about what their CSTM membership includes and how to get the most out of it, so members, look out for that next time you renew your membership!
Our own Transfusion Medicine Encyclopedia!
Marie-Hélène is incredibly humble in all her accomplishments and after learning where her career has taken her I will soon have you all convinced that she is your new go to person when you do not know where to go. I mentioned her working in many blood banks, the number is actually eight, from very small hospitals to a university hospital as well as private and research labs. Her work also spans the whole country and across an ocean to the United Kingdom. Marie-Hélène has worked in a variety of capacities including being a transfusion safety officer in both the pediatric then adult setting, working for a transfusion and transplant global company and now as a hospital liaison with Hema-Quebec. If you haven’t realized it yet Marie-Hélène is a lifelong learner who likes a challenge and through her journey has learned to learn from others, to find out what they have been good at and collect an amazing list of resources along the way.
Marie-Hélène levels up the knowledge she attains as she does not just keep it to herself, she has been instrumental in creating educational opportunities for others, be it knowledge translation within the lab or breaking down barriers between health care professionals and bringing people together for scientific days. This pursuit and passion for education really makes Marie-Hélène shine.
- You do not need experience to learn and be involved – take every opportunity that you can.
- There are no stupid questions – this is true across the board so speak up, ask your question then share what you learned with others.
- Never assume people know something – there are so many things to “know” in transfusion medicine, and it can take a lifetime for a particular situation to arise, and that gap be identified.
- Know your resources – you will never actually “know” everything but knowing how to find answers is the key.
- Challenge yourself to break out of the routine – dive into those complicated cases or processes, you will learn so much and build connections.
- Food tastes better outside – take time to let your mind recharge, go outside on a break or even better plan time off in nature, according to Marie-Hélène nothing beats waking up in a tent and having your morning coffee in the woods.
So even though you will never find Marie-Hélène at a karaoke bar belting out a good country tune, you will find her at most transfusion related events making (not collecting) contacts and resources!
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