CSTM CONNECT – Mailing List
The CSTM Connect 'transfusion mailing list’ provides the opportunity for subscribers to share transfusion medicine information and resources.
The current policies and processes are under review regarding privacy and best practices, including for this email list. The list remains active. Please watch this space for any updated requirements or terms of use.
To subscribe
[email protected] with your request. Please identify
- where you work (institution, city)
- your profession (lab technologist, nurse, etc.)
- how you learned about the list
To Post a Message
To send a message to everyone on the list, include a descriptive subject line and send it to
[email protected]
The "transfusion" mailing list is moderated; all messages are sent to the listowner who will edit them for brevity before forwarding them to the list.
Mailing list members can submit their questions and responses in English, French or both. The moderator will translate French messages to English using an online translator. If needed, list members can request translation corrections to the moderator. When responding to English questions, bilingual members are encouraged to repeat the question in French and answer in both languages whenever possible to permit cross-Canada participation.
List archives
Subscribers may access 'transfusion' archives dating to October 2002. Instructions are included in the welcome message to new subscribers and are periodically re-posted on the list. Instructions are available at any time by emailing
[email protected]
Note: Downloads of documents provided by list members can be used for non-commercial educational uses only. Original authors and institutions retain copyright and intellectual property rights to the contents. If used in whole or in part for any purpose, credit must be given to the original sources. Commercial use of these documents in whole or in part is strictly forbidden.
The CSTM Connect webpages and mailing list are made possible by an unrestricted educational grant from